2023 Congress Committee

Everything you need to know about the AFTES 2023 International Congress

'Underground space at the heart of transitions'

Every three years, AFTES organises an international congress attended by representatives of contracting authorities, designers, builders, equipment suppliers and underground structure operators, as well as engineers, architects and urban planners.

Important note

The next Congress will take place from October 2 to 4, 2023.

Check the sanitary conditions imposed by the Congress Organization.

An eagerly anticipated event!

The Congress is a major highlight for the Association and the profession as a whole. The Congress is held over three days, in a major city with the necessary capacity to accommodate the growing number of participants. (Recent editions have attracted several thousand attendees).

An exhibition, conferences, special sessions, site tours, student competitions, receptions and gala evenings all feature in this event, which is eagerly awaited by all tunnelling and underground space professionals.

Click on this link to visit the 2023 Congress website.

AFTES Congrès 2023

A forum for meetings and dialogue

The wide exposure offered by the event provides opportunities for general contractors, engineering firms, equipment and product manufacturers as well as contracting authorities, architects, designers and all industry stakeholders to showcase their expertise, recent projects and latest innovations. The Congress is widely considered to be a great place to meet up and share information and knowledge.

Attendees appreciate the rich and varied conference schedule. Over the three days of the Congress, against the backdrop of a general theme, speakers present the latest domestic and international achievements, specialist research findings and cutting-edge innovations. As well as oral presentations in conference rooms, contributions may be made in the form of posters or written articles compiled on an electronic medium.

The event has a very international flavour, with support from the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA-AITES) and industry associations based in neighbouring countries, such as the European Underground and Tunnel Forum (EUTF).

Meticulous organisation

To successfully stage and manage the congress, an Organising Committee is formed, assisted by a scientific committee tasked with selecting conferences and articles, and with logistics support from professional event organisers. This Committee, set up at least three years before the date of the Congress, quickly submits its proposed choice of host city to the AFTES Board of Directors.

Congrès AFTES 2021

Composition of the 2023 Congress Committee (postponed to 2 to 4 October 2023)

Organising committee

Prénom Nom Fonction
Prénom Nom
Philippe MILLARD
Congress Chairperson
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Michel PRÉ
Scientific committee - Program
Prénom Nom
Emmanuel HUMBERT
Scientific committee - Program
Prénom Nom
Administration - Accounts
Prénom Nom
Tours, innovations and international relations, ITA-AITES
Prénom Nom
Program and welcome for students
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Florence DUCHENE
Young professionals, Worksite tours

TES Special Congress Magazine and Photos Competition

Prénom Nom Fonction
Prénom Nom
Editor-in-Chief of TES Special Congress magazine
Prénom Nom
Photo competition - Special issue of TES magazine

Working Group Information

Organising Committee (COPAR 2023)

Every three years, AFTES organises an international congress attended by contracting authorities, designers, builders, equipment suppliers and underground structure operators, engineers, architects and urban planners, all interested in expanding and optimising the use of underground space, particularly in urban environments.

Theme: 2020-2021 Congress
President: Philippe Millard

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Congress Site

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