AFTES Student Contest 2024

AFTES organized the first edition of its student content

The French Association for Tunnels and Underground Space (AFTES) organized the first edition of its content, awarded with the AFTES Student Prize! This prize aims to promote excellence, innovation, and the quality of work conducted in the fields of tunnels, underground structures, or underground space. It is open to recent graduates to recognize their final-year projects in these areas.

Content results

The results were announced during the association’s General Assembly, held on December 12 in Paris.

The winner of the content, Candice Lièvre, was awarded for her work on green hydrogen storage.
There were also two finalists, Alice Dubois and Marianna Feuillas, who presented innovative projects—one on tunnel boring machine assembly and the other on modeling vibratory impacts in urban environments.

Their 3-minute project presentations will be available soon.

Candice Lievre
Alice Dubois

Winner 2024
Candice Lièvre
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussée (ParisTech)

Finalist 2024
Alice Dubois

Finalist 2024
Marianna Feuillas
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussée (ParisTech)

The content is open to students at the Bac+5 level (Master’s degree) or Bac+3 level (Bachelor’s degree, Professional Bachelor’s degrees, etc.), enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic year in a French engineering/architecture school or university, and working on a final-year project or an apprenticeship activity in the field of underground space.

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