
Serving a professional community

Ambitious goals and a very broad range of action

The French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (Association Française des Tunnels et de l’Espace Souterrain – AFTES) is a proactive umbrella organisation for all industry stakeholders, including investors, contracting authorities, prime contractors, engineering and inspection agencies, research and training centres, contractors, consultants, architects, urban planners, equipment manufacturers and educators.

AFTES core goals:

Ascenseur (Installation souterraine), Puits (Installation souterraine) Commune - AFTES
The Underground Laboratory - Andra en Meuse/Haute-Marne - Photo Credit : Andra - P. Demail

AFTES is a national organisation and a member of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA-AITES).

The French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (AFTES) was created in 1972 to address the recommendations arising from the 1970 International Conference on Underground Works held in Washington, which proposed setting up organisations in each country to provide a forum for stakeholders involved in various capacities in underground works.

In 2005, the French Underground Works Association (Association Française des Travaux en Souterrain – AFTES) became the French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (Association Française des Tunnels et de l’Espace Souterrain – AFTES) after joining a Committee of the Underground Space Association (Association Espace Souterrain).

AFTES also maintains ongoing relationships with other French associations that have related interests: Société de l’Industrie Minérale (Mineral Industry Society), Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols (French Soil Mechanics Committee), Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches (French Rock Mechanics Committee), Ville Sans Tranchée (French Society for Trenchless Technology), etc.

Lastly, it represents France within the International Tunnelling Association  (ITA-AITES).

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