HS2 project (Great Britain) : the timeline up to 2025
HS2 Ltd reveals the timeline of the main contracts and works until 2025. By then, Phase 1 to Birmingham will be substantially complete.
HS2 Ltd reveals the timeline of the main contracts and works until 2025. By then, Phase 1 to Birmingham will be substantially complete.
Download the presentations of the Tuesday of the AFTES (Lyon) of 07/06/2022
The professional degree “Building and Public Works: P2EB” from the University of Caen Normandy prepares job seekers for this profession in 9 months. There are still places available at the University.
Access the presentations of the AFTES Tuesdays of May 24, 2022.
We learn of the death of Willy De Lathauwer. We offer our sincere condolences to his wife and family.
We learn of the death of Clément Fayat. We offer our sincere condolences to his family and to the teams of the Group.