Tribute to Olivier Vion

22 July 2024 Off By Anne BRISSAUD

Sad news :  Olivier Vion passed away on sSaturday, July 20, 2024. 

All members of AFTES were deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Olivier Vion, a long a long-time friend and loyal supporter, always very active and willing to support our association and professional community. He was especially the AFTES regional delegate in the southwest and worked hard to promote underground spaces.
Olivier did remarkable work within the International Tunneling and Underground Space Association (AITES/ITA), which he significantly helped to bring to prominence since taking over from Claude Berenguier.
He was brimming with passion and energy in his numerous activities, as we saw once again in Shenzhen last April. His loss leaves a huge void. AFTES wishes to extend its full support to his wife and family during this sudden and difficult time. We have lost a friend and a great figure.