Tunnels and underground spaces
Showing 49–72 of 120 results
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°244 – July-August 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: «Challenges in underground architecture for the cities of tomorrow» – Developing underground space, a new challenge for Greater Paris – At the entrance to the Principality of Monaco – The western descending tunnel – Monaco – Excavation using explosives for the third Source Substation – Use of Platform Screen Doors – Application to the Chennai metro project (India) – English abstract (Analyse statistique lexicale d’articles pour la construction d’une base de connaissances) – Masters interviews – Graduates tell us…
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°243 – May-June 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: A89 East, La Bussière and Chalosset tunnels – Renovation of Dullin tunnel lighting, Feedback on two years’ experience with LED lighting – Main structures of the Caluire tunnel: fire test – Site visit of the Dunkirk methane, terminal tunnel
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°242 – March-April 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: Recommendation of AFTES’ WG24 – Forward probing ahead of tunnel boring machines (GT24R2A1) – Call for ideas: “underground space and urbanity: projects for the future” – Safety on all fronts in the Fréjus Tunnel – Report on talks about stations for the Grand Paris project – PhotoPAQ measurements in the Leopold II tunnel in Brussels
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°241 – January-February 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: Commissioning of the Dijon North Link – Recommendation of AFTES’ WG6, Rock Bolting Technology (GT6R4A1)
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°240 – November-December 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG4: Simplified list of terms for tunnel boring machines (GT4R3F&A), and addresses the following topics: safety in complex buried structures, the role of water in the stability of underground quarries, …
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°239 – September-October 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on the Saverne tunnel on the Eastern-European High-Speed Railway line, l’impact of seismic loading on the design of underground projects, the micro-tunnelling record performance in Morocco, Manufacture and delivery of a new EPB TBM for the Moscow Metro extension.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°238 – July-August 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG38: Design, dimensioning and execution of precast steel fibre reinforced concrete arch segments (GT38R1A1)
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°237 – May-June 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue includes the recommendation of AFTES’ WG40: Rail tracks and track beds in tunnels (GT40R2A1), and addresses the following topics: excavating metro stations with a tunnelling shield: a new concept, a troglodytic answer to a hydrological problem
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°236 – March-April 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue includes the recommendation of AFTES’ WG14: Recommendations for a method to assist in asset management for underground structures (GT14R8A1)
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°235 – January-February 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on the 50th anniversary of the Mont Blanc tunnel breakthrough, the use of special hydrated lime in the design of grouting mortars, the Feeder collector for the future membrane treatment SIAAP – Achères
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°234 – November-December 2012
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on Concrete in tunnels, Châtillon-Viroflay link (Tramway T6), Urban sustainable underground resources management: The Deep City concept, the Designing nuclear power plants underground in order to escape next Tchernobyl and Fukushima.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°233 – September-October 2012
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG36: Geometry, concrete, formwork and concreting of tunnel linings: Construction defects (GT36R1A1 – Appendix 1), and addresses the following topics: Underground space, the ideal tool for the sustainable city, the contribution of underground space to the sustainable development, …
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°232 – July-August 2012
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG32: Characterisation of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical uncertainties and risks (GT32R2A1), and addresses the following topics: rehabilitation of a rainwater drain, a new concept combining express metro and local train, MetroDuo,…
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°231 – May-June 2012
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on technical innovations in urban tunnels, real-time settlement control, vibration control in urban environments, causes, risks and counter measures for dust in railway tunnels.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°230 – March-April 2012
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on technical innovations in deep tunnels.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°229 – January-February 2012
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on the renovation of road tunnels, facilities like no other in the world: emergency gallery of the Croix-Rousse tunnel, the progress of a dual mode TBM in the Paris region: feedback from the A86 duplex tunnel.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°228 – November-December 2011
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on financing and contractualisation
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°227 – September-October 2011
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on extension work for the Lyon metro line B, subsurface works beneath Rabat fort, Innovations in mechanized shaft construction
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°226 – July-August 2011
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG40: “Road pavements in tunnels (GT40R1A1)”
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°225 – May-June 2011
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on the synthesis of investigation measures and inspections, hydromechanical modelling of time-dependent behaviour of underground structures, Expert’ Report on innovative waterproofing processes or products
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°224 – March-April 2011
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on the underground structures for the Flamanville 3 nuclear power station, the Zaouiat Aït Mellal tunnel (The first Moroccan motorway tunnel), the Level N3 fire protection for slip roads to the la Défense, Nanterre tunnel.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°223 – January-February 2011
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG3: Use of explosives: sensitized emulsions pumped directly at the workface (GT3R6A1), and includes the following topics: ANDRA Meuse Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory, the contribution to the study of risks of damage to the concrete lining of tunnels subjected to high temperatures.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°222 – November-December 2010
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on the extension of Paris metro line 4, workpackage T1 – The Maginot (Rennes) water storage micro-tunnel Two very long curved drives by microtunneling machine – The Trends of Future Tunnel Projects and their Impact on the Design of TBMs – The Changes in specifications for geosynthetic clay liners used for underground structures in France
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°221 – September-October 2010
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on HA Cells monitoring at the Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in the CMHM (Andra), 3D predictive calculations for the design of highly-active radioactive waste storage cellsn/mswor, compared advantages of surface and underground installations.