Tunnels and underground spaces
Showing 73–96 of 120 results
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°220 – July-August 2010
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on: Hallandsås Tunnels Project, a technical challenge – Nant de Drance Pumped Storage Power Plant: the challenges of a major hydroelectric project in the Valais Alps – CSM Bessac has built a micro-tunnel in GRP pipes 1800 mm in diameter, a first in France.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°219 – May-June 2010
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG36: Specific recommendations relating to behaviour in a fire and health protection when installing waterproofing systems in a confined environment (GT9R18A1), and includes the following topics: An approach to the functioning and design of a tunnel rock arch reinforced by fully grouted rock bolts and shotcrete shell – Extension of line 4 of the Paris underground in Montrouge – An exceptional project: Les Bois power plant in Chamonix.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°218 – March-April 2010
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG4 Design of tunnels bored with TBMs with respect to the arrival of public rescue service and self-rescue of workers during the worksite phase (GT4R5A1).
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°217 – January-February 2010
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on the fire of September 11 2008 in the Channel tunnel: civil works damage investigation – Loire outfall collector using microtunneling – “Grea.ter Paris”: an ambition for development of the metropolitan area
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 216 – Novembre-Décembre 2009
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on: Line 9 of the Barcelona metro; excavation of the Can Zam-Rio Besòs – The Sommand tunnel – Rehabilitation of the SIAAP main sewer Sevres-Achères Rueil (SAR) branch – Bex-Martigny A9-highway (Switzerland)
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 215 – Septembre-Octobre 2009
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: Hallandsås: an ambitious construction site under highc environmental scrutiny – Progress of studies related to the protection of geomembranes – The Lyons Croix-Rousse tunnel heavy upgrading project – The Soumagne tunnel and the fire safety systems.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 214 – Juillet-Août 2009
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation: A code of practice for risk management of tunnel works.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 213 – Mai-Juin 2009
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: The perthus tunnel – The underground works of the RIzzanese hydro-power scheme – The Bjorvika immersed tunnel in Oslo, a highly constraining fire protection system.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 212 – Mars-Avril 2009
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on: Technical return of experience from operation incidents in the Frejus tunnel – Lyon-Torino railway tunnel – 19-inch Disc Cutters Dig Ceneri Base Tunnel.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 211 – Janvier-Février 2009
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on: The T33 tunnel in Monaco – Comparative history of large tunnels under the Alps and the Pyrenees.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 210 – Novembre-Décembre 2008
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents two recommendations of Working Group No. 3 on Conventional Excavation (French version), and contains the following articles: Project management of underground works – The mucking-out system of the Mont Sion tunnel on the A41 highway – Pipe jacking under the Rhône River.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 209 – Septembre-Octobre 2008
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendations of Working Group No. 24: In-progress soil investigation (French version), and contains the following articles: Ventilation and safety – In-progress soil investigation in theupstream-Salazie hydraulic gallery – Renovation of the Thoraise river tunnel – Contribution of the subsurface to town life – The South tube of the Toulon under-ground crossing
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 208 – Juillet-Août 2008
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles: Upgrading the tunnels of the Arvan Valley along the RD 926 road (Savoie, France) – The Maurice Lemaire Tunnel (France) – Advantages of a three-dimensional phased finite element modelling – The T33 tunnel in Monaco – The Grouft Tunnel (Luxemburg)
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 207 – Mai-Juin 2008
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles: a difficult driving in a sensitive environment – Flashback to the collapse of the Toulon tunnel – Automatic underground transportation of goods –
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 206 – Mars-Avril 2008
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: Local stability of the front for large diameter slurry shields in soft clays – Advantages and drawbacks of HPC in tunnels – Upgrading of the Haut-Bugey railways line.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 205 – Janvier-Février 2008
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: Fire in tunnels – The Liefkenshoek rail-link project under the Schelde river – Re-injectors: an innovative system to control longitudinal air flow.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 204 – Novembre-Décembre 2007
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: The La Praz access and investigation gallery – Underground research laboratory Meuse/Haute Marne: hydromechanical tests in a deep clayey rock formation.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 203 – Septembre-Octobre 2007
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on Concrete structure behaviour under fire in tunnels – Upgrading the Annecy drink water system: construction of an underground gallery involving tunnelling and raise-boring – The RAMCESH project and its application to tunnels.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°202 – Juillet-Août 2007
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers: The Socatop tunnel (Paris A86 orbital road). Construction of the emergency recesses in the East 1 Tunnel – The SOCATOP tunnel (Paris A86 orbital road) Construction of the emergency shafts – Watertightening treatments by electro-grouting – Saint Petersburg subway. Rehabilitation of the Lesnaya-Mujestva section
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 201 – Mai-Juin 2007
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles: A new concept for a full accessibility to the Antwerp premetro – About some hydromechanical effects occuring during excavation and exploitation of storage works in fractured rockmass.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 200 – Mars-Avril 2007
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: The Grands Goulets road tunnel and Use of the MORSE explosive – The ventilation system of the Brenner base tunnel between Austria and Italy – 3D laser scanning for the Maurice Lemaire tunnel.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 199 – Janvier-Février 2007
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendations of Working Group No.35: Management and valorization of excavated materials (French version)
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 198 – Novembre-Décembre 2006
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: ALPTRANSIT Project, instrumentation and in-situ tests – The Sinard tunnel on the A 51 motorway – How fire tests help to determine fire resistance of structures
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 197 – Septembre-Octobre 2006
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG11: Dimensioning of urban service circular galleries excavated with manned-TBM’s (French version)
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.