Tunnels and underground spaces
Showing 97–120 of 120 results
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 196 – Juillet-Août 2006
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
This issue contains the following articles on: Improving safety in road tunnels – Optimize perception of sidewalls and safety equipment in road tunnels – L’Epine tunnel, South tube, rehabilitation civil works
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 194-195 – Mars/Juin 2006
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG8: Design and performance of soil and rock grounting works (French version)
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 193 – Janvier-Février 2006
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: Access tunnels to the Antwerp underground railway station – The A86 road-tunnel. Construction of the inner structures of the VL1 tunnel
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 192 – Novembre-Décembre 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG12: “Fighting environment harms on underground works, (French version)”, and includes the following topics: Widening of Kandovan tunnel in Iran – The Blagis tunnel: 38 steel-fiber-reinforced concrete segments.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 191 – Septembre-Octobre 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG14: “Catalogue of disorders in underground structures, (French version)”, and includes the following topics: Cost of tunnelling works – The Chiraz metro (Iran) – Blasting technical innovations and evolution of regulations.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Revue TOS Spécial Congrès 2005 – N° 190b – Juillet-Août 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers a Special International file
Spain: Guadarama Tunnels – Italy: Naples Tunnels, Nazzano Tunnel, Turin Metro – Switzerland: Uetliberg Tunnels, Lötschberg Tunnels, St. Gotthard Tunnels
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 190 – Juillet-Août 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: European infrastructure projects and the essential role of automatic instrumentation – Safety in the Marseille rail tunnel
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 189 – Mai-Juin 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG14: “Preliminary operations prior to approval of rehabilitation by grouting of underground structures” (French version), and includes the following topic: The Collabos road tunnel (Spain) – The installation of connecting galleries between two tunnels using horizontal raise boring.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°188 – Mars-Avril 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: Design tools for tunnel supports and linings – Stability and reinforcement of tunnels faces: an analytical approach – Valenton, France, VL10 Project, excavation of a 4m-dia interceptor with an EPB – TBM – Safety improvement works in the Maurice Lemaire tunnel (Sainte-Marie aux Mines, 68, France)
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N° 187 – Janvier-Février 2005
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG19: “Monitoring methods for underground structures”(French version), and includes the following topic: Toulouse Metro Line B : a first evaluation of the civil works.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°186 – Novembre-Décembre 2004
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG26: “Environmental integration of an urban underground worksite” (French version), and includes the following topic on the Construction of the Shenzhen metro.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°185 – Septembre-Octobre 2004
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains the following articles on: Extension of the underground research facility at 230 m depth in the Boom clay layer in Belgium – The role of real-time monitoring in the construction of large underground structures.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°184 – Juillet-Août 2004
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG14: “Contribution of oil & gas drilling and diagraphy technologies to the soil investigations for large underground works” (French version)
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°183 – Mai-Juin 2004
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG9: “Dimensioning of protective screens for the geomembrane watertightening systems” (French version) and offers articles on: The access shaft to the Bure underground laboratory (Meuse/France) – SOCATOP A86: Back analysis of the fire occurred on March 5th, 2002 – The Monte-Carlo Rail Tunnel.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°182 – Mars-Avril 2004
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: La Réunion Island, shifting waters from East to West, a giant jobsite – Construction techniques for a large underground structure in aquifer sands: The Myrrha project case, Mol, Belgium – The “Triger” caisson sinking method
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°181 – Janvier-Février 2004
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: Building of the Marbella outfall near Biarritz (France) – Maintenance and rehabilitation of the Chamoise tunnel (France) – The VL 10 main sewer, section 2: use of a EPB tunnelling machine.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°180 – Novembre-Décembre 2003
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: Underground structures for storm water storage tanks – The Backfilling of a mine shaft – The Analysis of the behaviour of the Lisboa metro Ameixoeira station
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°179 – Septembre-Octobre 2003
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: Influence of bolt reinforcement of the tunnel face on the surface settlements – History of the shotcrete method: main evolution steps up to 1960 – To what extent should road tunnel structures resist fire? The French approach.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°178 – Juillet-Août 2003
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: The Complex management of mucking for the Lötschberg and Saint-Gothard tunnels – Crossing the Swiss Alps: The construction of the world longest railway tunnel.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°177 – Mai-Juin 2003
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: The Lefortovo tunnel (Moscow) – Safety in the heart of the Mont-Blanc tunnel operation scheme.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°176 – Mars-Avril 2003
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG27: “Ventilation of underground works under construction “ (download english version section recommendation)
This issue offers articles on: The new Lyons-Torino Tunnel rail link – Construction of the Airside Road Tunnel under Heathrow airport
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°175 – Janvier-Février 2003
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: The Cachan-Charenton main sewer – The Groene Hart tunnel; the world largest TBM – Continuously reinforced concrete pavement in a tunnel in Liege, Belgium
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°174 – Novembre-Décembre 2002
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG7: “The convergence-confinement method” (English version), and includes the following topic: LYONS-TORINO high-speed train. “Crossing the Alps to build Europe”.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English
Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains – N°173 – Septembre-Octobre 2002
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers articles on: Paris, Meteor subway line – Fire simulations in long railway tunnels – The use of sheeted trenches technique in underground works – Geotechnical risks for project financing of tunnels in non-urban areas.
The articles in this issue are not translated, only the abstracts of the articles are translated into English.