Working Groups

Working Groups are the backbone of the Association

Working Groups (WG) are set up to address thematic needs identified by the Association. Most report to a Committee, which is responsible for coordination between the various WGs within its scope, and for approving their deliverables.

Each WG is led by an AFTES member. All members are free to contribute according to their possibilities, availability and expertise, subject to approval by the group’s animateur. These groups produce documents and recommendations relating to the assigned theme, which are then submitted to the Committee for approval prior to publication (in French, and generally also English).

Decisions relating to the creation of new working groups and the appointment of WG animateurs are made jointly by the parent Committee and the Executive Council.

There follows a brief presentation of the Working Groups currently active, as well as the Committees to which they report, their animateurs and the means of contacting them for more information.

Technical Committee ‐ WG 3 ‐ Use of explosives

Technical Committee ‐ WG 3 ‐ Use of explosives

This Working Group deals with all matters relating to the use of explosives for excavating underground structures, including equipment and resources, operating conditions and vibration effects, for example.


Most recent Recommendation: Vibrations generated by mine blasts: determination of vibration thresholds during preliminary project studies
Theme: Conventional excavation
Animateur: Loïc Thévenot
Vice animateur: Sophie Duclos

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Technical Committee ‐ WG 4 ‐ Mechanised tunnelling

Technical Committee ‐ WG 4 ‐ Mechanised tunnelling

This Working Group deals with all matters relating to mechanised tunnelling. It strives to capitalise feedback from mechanised work sites, and issues Recommendations regarding the use of such techniques.


Recent publications:
– TBM data sheets: Project information sheets relating to various mechanised work sites (143 sheets to date)
– Review of developments in TBMs and their capabilities over the period 2000-2019
– Recommendation relating to the choice of confinement method
Theme: TBMs, shields and segments
Co-animateurs: François Renault and Magali Schivre

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Technical Committee ‐ WG 6 ‐ Sprayed concrete

This Working Group is concerned with the means, equipment and conditions of use of sprayed concrete as excavation support.


Last publication : Recommendation for drafting specifications relating to wet process sprayed concrete for support and lining in underground structures
Publication pending :WG6 is curently working on dry process sprayed concrete
Theme: Conventional support and lining
Animateur: Catherine Larive
Vice Animateur: Christine Thuaud

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WG 12 ‐ Health, safety and working conditions

Technical Committee ‐ WG 12 ‐ Health, safety and working conditions

The purpose of this Working Group is to issue recommendations relating to health, safety, and working conditions at above-ground and below-ground construction sites for underground structures.


Recently published Recommendation: Organisation of emergency services and related resources during underground works.
Pending Recommendation: Safe movement of personnel and equipment during underground works.

Theme: Safety, quality, logistics & the environment
Animateur: Pascal Sergi

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WG 16 ‐ Settlement and vibrations caused by excavation of underground structures

Technical Committee ‐ WG 16 ‐ Settlement and vibrations caused by excavation of underground structures

This Working Group examines the technical and contractual implications of settlement and vibration caused by the excavation of underground structures.


Recently published Recommendation: Effects caused by excavation on neighbouring structures in the design and construction of underground works.
Short-term outlook: Research into settlement estimation techniques and the methodology applicable to intrinsic sensitivity studies.

Theme: Ground conditions and soil-structure interaction
Animateur: Didier Subrin

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WG 18 ‐ Reinforced concrete segments

Technical Committee ‐ WG 18 ‐ Reinforced concrete segments

The role of this Working Group is to issue recommendations concerning the design of prefabricated reinforced concrete lining segments used in mechanised tunnelling. These recommendations are intended to supplement regulatory provisions where necessary.


Work in progress: Update to the recommendation on the design, sizing and production of prefabricated lining segments in accordance with the latest versions of the Eurocodes.

Theme: TBMs, shields and segments
Animateur: Pascal Guëdon

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Comité Technique - GT 24 - Reconnaissances géotechniques

Technical Committee ‐ WG 24 ‐ Geotechnical surveys

This Working Group covers all aspects of geotechnical surveying applied to underground works, including technologies, scouting, forward probing and the role of surveys in the construction process.


Pending Recommendation: Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical surveys required for the design of underground structures.

Theme: Ground conditions and soil-structure interaction
Animateur: Cédric Gaillard

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WG 25 ‐ Works contracting and cost control

Technical Committee ‐ WG 25 ‐ Works contracting and cost control

Following the 2015 publication of its Recommendation on works contracting and cost control, this Working Group has reconvened to address a new theme: design-and-build contracts..

This Working Group is to conduct a critical analysis of the Emerald Book recently published by FIDIC.


Theme: Planning, socio-economic and legal aspects
Animateur: Andrew Bourget
Vice animateur: Rodolphe Munier

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Comité Technique - GT 27 - Ventilation des ouvrages souterrains en cours de construction

Technical Committee ‐ WG 27 ‐ Ventilation of underground structures under construction

This Working Group deals with the design and implementation (including equipment and resources) of ventilation systems for underground structures under construction in accordance with regulations on working conditions and environmental protection.


Publication pending: Update to the Recommendation on ventilation of underground structures under construction.
Theme: Safety, quality, logistics & the environment
Animateur: Alain Mercusot
Vice animateur: Elisa Béraud

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Technical Committee ‐ WG 30 ‐ Bolting design

This Working Group deals with the design and dimensioning of special support components for conventionally excavated tunnels.


Published Recommendation: Radial rock bolting in tunnels – design and sizing guide
Pending Recommendation: Design and sizing of pre-support processes

Theme: Conventional support and lining
Animateur: François Laigle
Vice animateur: Jean Launay

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WG 35 ‐ Excavated materials

Technical Committee ‐ WG 35 ‐ Excavated materials

The role of this Working Group is to issue recommendations intended to promote resource conservation and sustainable development practices relating to management of materials excavated from underground works carried out using either conventional or mechanised methods.


Published Recommendation: Management and use of excavated materials.

Theme: Safety, quality, logistics & the environment
Animateur: Jacques Burdin

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WG 37 ‐ Fire resistance of tunnels

Technical Committee ‐ WG 37 ‐ Fire resistance of tunnels

After initially addressing fire resistance in road tunnels, this Working Group is now examining the case of railway tunnels.


Pending Recommendation: Consideration of fire risks in the structural design of railway and guided transport tunnels

Theme: Maintenance and rehabilitation
Animateur: Alain Bochon
Vice animateur: Bérénice Moreau

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WG 45 ‐ New digital technologies

Technical Committee ‐ WG 45 ‐ New digital technologies

This Working Group was established to create a permanent forum for discussing issues relating to the development of BIM in the underground construction field in France and internationally, and to assert the role of AFTES in the MINnD national project in France, and in ITA-AITES WG 22.


Theme: Planning, socio-economic and legal aspects

Animateur: Florent Robert

Vice animateur: Nataliya Dias

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