Showing 121–144 of 208 results
Diagnosis methods for lined tunnels
30,00€ (30,00€ Excluding tax)Recommendations GT-14R4A1-EN
This AFTES recommendation deals with diagnostic methods for lined tunnels.Abstrats PDF – 2017 Paris Congress
100,00€ (100,00€ Excluding tax)AFTES Congrès International 2017
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°261b – November 2017
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers the usual sections on community life, worksites, historical memory, expert opinions and the agenda.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°260 – April-May-June 2017
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers the usual sections on community life, worksites, historical memory, expert opinions and the agenda.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°259 – January-February-March 2017
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers the usual sections on community life, worksites, historical memory, expert opinions and the agenda.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°258 – November-December 2016
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers the usual sections on community life, worksites, historical memory, expert opinions and the agenda.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°257 – September-October 2016
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)The issue offers articles on the Romanche-Gavet hydroelectric development, the fire resistance of railway tunnels and various geotechnical aspects.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°255-256 – May-June/July-August 2016
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers the usual sections on community life, worksites, historical memory, expert opinions and the agenda.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°253 – January February 2016
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue offers the usual sections on community life, worksites, historical memory, expert opinions and the agenda.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°246 – November-December 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: Underground siting of nuclear power plants – New diagnosis methodology for old tunnels in service – Rehabilitation de la conduite forcee de Passy – Recommendations: Practical guide for taking the radon risk into account in the design and execution of underground construction work (GT42R1A1)
Abstrats PDF – 2014 Lyon Congress
100,00€ (100,00€ Excluding tax)AFTES Congrès International 2014
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°245 – September-October 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)The articles present in this issue: Tools and arguments – to address the challenges of underground space – Analysis of problems linked to the mechanised excavation of calcareous schists under a thick cover – Monitoring of convergence – Management of unexpected swelling clay – Rehabilitation of a sewage network.
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°244 – July-August 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: «Challenges in underground architecture for the cities of tomorrow» – Developing underground space, a new challenge for Greater Paris – At the entrance to the Principality of Monaco – The western descending tunnel – Monaco – Excavation using explosives for the third Source Substation – Use of Platform Screen Doors – Application to the Chennai metro project (India) – English abstract (Analyse statistique lexicale d’articles pour la construction d’une base de connaissances) – Masters interviews – Graduates tell us…
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°243 – May-June 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: A89 East, La Bussière and Chalosset tunnels – Renovation of Dullin tunnel lighting, Feedback on two years’ experience with LED lighting – Main structures of the Caluire tunnel: fire test – Site visit of the Dunkirk methane, terminal tunnel
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°242 – March-April 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: Recommendation of AFTES’ WG24 – Forward probing ahead of tunnel boring machines (GT24R2A1) – Call for ideas: “underground space and urbanity: projects for the future” – Safety on all fronts in the Fréjus Tunnel – Report on talks about stations for the Grand Paris project – PhotoPAQ measurements in the Leopold II tunnel in Brussels
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°241 – January-February 2014
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)Articles presented in this issue: Commissioning of the Dijon North Link – Recommendation of AFTES’ WG6, Rock Bolting Technology (GT6R4A1)
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°240 – November-December 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG4: Simplified list of terms for tunnel boring machines (GT4R3F&A), and addresses the following topics: safety in complex buried structures, the role of water in the stability of underground quarries, …
Tunnels and Underground Spaces – N°239 – September-October 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue contains articles on the Saverne tunnel on the Eastern-European High-Speed Railway line, l’impact of seismic loading on the design of underground projects, the micro-tunnelling record performance in Morocco, Manufacture and delivery of a new EPB TBM for the Moscow Metro extension.
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°238 – July-August 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue presents the recommendation of AFTES’ WG38: Design, dimensioning and execution of precast steel fibre reinforced concrete arch segments (GT38R1A1)
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°237 – May-June 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue includes the recommendation of AFTES’ WG40: Rail tracks and track beds in tunnels (GT40R2A1), and addresses the following topics: excavating metro stations with a tunnelling shield: a new concept, a troglodytic answer to a hydrological problem
Tunnels and Underground Space – N°236 – March-April 2013
20,00€ (20,00€ Excluding tax)This issue includes the recommendation of AFTES’ WG14: Recommendations for a method to assist in asset management for underground structures (GT14R8A1)